Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Slimming World Nacho-Style Feast

I’ve cooked a fair bit of Mexican food recently and had been meaning to make this dish for a long time, ever since I saw it in a Primula cheese ad in a Slimming World magazine.
For anyone who hasn’t come across Primula before – it was a staple of my childhood in the 80s, but is still around – it’s a soft cheese that comes in a tube like toothpaste. It has a much stronger flavour than cream cheeses like Philadelphia, and they make various versions flavoured with chives, shrimp and so on. It’s made from Gouda and Cheddar apparently – I discovered a fun animation on the company’s website about how it’s made.
The thing I like best about Primula though – aside from the fun of squeezing the tube – is that a large part of the company’s profits go to charity. You can read more about that on their website (note – this is not a sponsored post or written at the company’s request).
Primula is the suggested ingredient in this particular Slimming World recipe, I think partly because Primula is low in “syns”, though you could actually use any cheese for it. You can view the full recipe here, so I won’t repeat it.
I wanted to make my own potato wedges but my fiancé only likes the shop-bought kind for some reason so I used those, and left out the optional jalapenos.

The meal turned out pretty well - there was a tiny bit too much liquid in the bottom, but it's a good way to serve mince if you are looking for something different.

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